Google Acquires Motorola mobility

Google has acquired Motorola's mobile phone maker worth U.S. $ 12.5 billion. That way Google now control 63 percent stake in Motorola's Mobility according to the price per share per last Friday of U.S. $ 40. Google itself has an estimated wealth of about U.S. $ 39 billion in cash.

Motorola Mobility acquisition process, a solution partner for Android, giving Google the opportunity to enlarge the community and the Android ecosystem. It also makes the competition in the mobile devices become more open.

Although it has been acquired, Motorola Mobility remains only as a licensee of Android products and the Android operating system will remain open to all mobile phone vendors. Google will run the Motorola Mobility as a separate business.

Larry Page said the reason for Google to acquire Motorola is not just because Motorola is very strong in the field of Android-based smart phones and other digital devices, but also because Motorola is 'household appliance and videos market leader'.

In addition, this acquisition also adds to the list of companies patents that could protect Android from anti-competitive threat that filed by Microsoft, Apple, and other companies."

According to the official website of Motorola Mobility, the company currently holds 14,600 patents and 6700 patents are still in progress around the world as of January 2011.

Motorola Mobility formerly of Motorola's mobile devices division until January 2011. Several years ago, Motorola's hung its mobile device market fully on Android, by launching the "Droid" in November 2009. Then there is the "Droid X" and "Droid 2" in 2010.

Which now interesting to note is how the HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Acer, Lenovo, and other Android-based devices manufacturer to this acquisition. Those companies have been aggressively issuing new devices based Andorid.

However, this is Google's largest acquisition to date. Here is a list of acquisition ever made by Google.

1. Online advertising site DoubleClick
Acquisition: 13 April 2007
Price: U.S. $ 3.1 billion

2. Android mobile operating system
Acquisitions: August 17, 2005
Price: estimated U.S. $ 50 million

3. Admob mobile ad platform
Acquisition: 9 November 2009
Price: U.S. $ 750 million

4. Video sharing site YouTube
Acquisitions: October 9, 2006
Price: U.S. $ 1.65 billion

5. ITA Software
Acquisitions: July 1, 2010
Price: $ 700 million

6. Dodgeball location-based social networking
Acquisition: May 12, 2005
Price: unknown
